Rage at Thomasville - July 23rd
Well, we had a first, and I re-discovered something important. As fun as the cracking of breakables, the sound of smashing and tearing, is, there is something better. Our Rage at Thomasville event on Sunday, July 23rd, turned into our first Create event.
We were having a great day. We had a young Rager come by our booth and wanted to have a mini-rage and “murder some tiles.” So she and her sister both broke a couple of tiles for one of our mini-rages. It was a lot of fun. She wants to come to the shop for her birthday and really get to smash some stuff.
We then had a second younger Rager come by and want to try a mini-rage. She had a lot of fun breaking one of the larger tiles we have just for this purpose. She used our multi-pack of colored sharpies to decorate her tile and then went to town with an axe handle.
Mini-Rage with one of our younger ragers. Decorate a tile, and smash it.
And then she smashed a concrete balloon. Or as Phyl calls them, broken dreams. We have an idea, it doesn’t work out exactly how we imagined, but we pivot, and make something else that works.
But then she, decided that she wanted to paint one of the biggest tiles we have. Her art is great. She kept the tile. Sometimes, creating is more fun than destroying. Next week, we are trying to have the Painted Rage setup ready to take to Morning Sun Marketplace. We’ll see how that goes.
And Phyl managed to severely damage our whacking mannequin. Knocked his “butt” right off. He is fixable but has now been named “Piñata Pete” because I can no longer bolt him down to a table and need to suspend him for people to whack. I am going to be drawing a silhouette of him and making our second, third, or fourth t-shirt design around him. I have a couple of other requests for designs as well, so I am not sure which number he will be in the end.
And we are mobile and taking appointments for rages! Schedule your appointment so you can share in the creation and destruction at The Rage Room - York!
Our Mobile Create and Destroy Events are:
10 Items - 30 Minutes - $55 plus $10 per person
20 Items - 45 Minutes - $75 plus $10 per person
50 Items - 60 Minutes - $125 plus $10 per person
Our Mobile Rage Events are:
The Mobile Office Rage - 1 Hour - $75 plus $10 per person
The Mobile Retail Rage - 1 Hour - $75 plus $10 per person
And Next week, we will be debuting our Mobile Painted Rage. We will set up three panels with a 24”x24” piece of paper, give you twenty four 2 oz containers of Tempra paint, balloons, brushes, and a poncho. Throw, splash, brush, or dribble. Have Fun. 20 minutes for $20, you can keep your art, or trash it.